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HireAbility’s Youth Transition Counselors help youth find and maintain employment. Youth Transition Counselors can also help youth explore different career paths and access further training opportunities.

The JOBS Program is an innovative, supported employment and intensive case-management service for youth ages 16 – 24.

PAVE provides 100% free and high quality employment support through a peer-to-peer approach for anyone 18 and older.  We come from our own lived experiences with mental health challenges to offer a supportive connection based on shared experience.   We will help explore your dreams by making short term and long term goals.  PAVE assists with anything from resume writing and cover letter aid, job searching, mock interviews and ongoing support.  Further financial assistance through Vocational Rehabilitation is available to those between 18 and 30 who identify with a disability (mental, physical, developmental, etc).  Individuals can contact abby@pathwaysvermont.org to get started!

VDOL provides help with job searching, filing unemployment claims, and learning about rights and work compensation.

The Vermont Diversity Health Project helps LGBTQ patients identify friendly, supportive and effective healthcare providers, and offers training and support to enhance providers’ skills in working with the LGBTQ community.

The Vermont Employment Agency provides services to both the employees and employers by finding, hiring, training and managing staff.